Samuel Llovet Montardit (ES), architect urbanist
Paloma Mosto Zavala (ES), architect urbanist 

Based in: Barcelona, SPAIN

Project Description by Team: Our proposal starts with the identification of an structured and functional network of open spaces, the preservation of their values and the definition of a central park that completes the existing green corridors and stretches through different categories of elements: integrated green streets, gardens for biodiversity and inner patios between buildings.These connect the new quarter with the surrounding neighborhoods and articulate the new urban tissue while nourishing it with excellent environmental qualities.The introduction of urban life has been thought considering 3 scales linked to 3 types of spaces necessary for everyday life: a 5min walk (tNeighborhood unit), a 10min walk (Superblock), a 15min walk (new Quarter), these provide essential services for social and community life.

Jury Statement: "The project demonstrates an appealing approach that skilfully combines public green space and the built environment. The green areas act as initial points and are considered important reference points for graduation of necessities in people daily life. The concept is illustrated at different spatial levels, from smaller neighbourhood parks to vivid public squares along Hirschstettner Hauptallee.

The idea of three different neighbourhood scales was positively emphasised by the jury. The neighbourhood units, which are located within a 5-minute walk of small parks, as well as the larger superblock units within a 10-minute walk along Hirschstettner Hauptallee and the New Quarter Unit within a 15-minute walk of a park or focal point, contribute to identity and significance. The public squares along Hirschstettner Hauptallee, are designed differently depending on their position in relation to the street. Depending on the context, Hirschstettner Hauptallee will either be connected to neighbourhood squares and emphasised more strongly or run as an ordinary connection. This approach represents a well-thought-out concept for promoting social dynamics.[...]”

Photo: © Paloma Mosto Zavla, Samuel Llovet

Team Statement: "We chose this site because we were familiar with how Vienna has developed, over decades, projects where the fundamental premise has been the creation of a qualitative, rich, and diverse city, as well as generating housing policies that serve as a reference in Europe.

From our point of view, it is a great opportunity to learn from this context, incorporating our experience and vision for the city of the future. We have also found very interesting how the competition proposes a very unusual challenge in the current professional practice, such as developing a significant urban fragment from its initial concept, taking into account that, nowadays, this involves the integration into the project of the underlying values that already exist in the territory and the collective imagination.

Participating in this Europan edition has allowed us to explore some ideas about how an urban tissue with high environmental qualities, sustainable and adaptable to the challenges arising from climate change can result in a dense, vibrant and living city, responsive to human scale and cohesive communities.